Lawn and Garden
In Doniphan County, maintaining attractive home and commercial landscapes not only increases property values but promotes an improved quality of life that makes our community a great place to live. We are blessed with many different growing conditions for you to express your gardening style. There are deep sandy soils along our waterways and fertile black soils on our hills. Average rainfall is around 36 inches each year.
Whether you have a question about lawns, vegetables, flowers, or landscape maintenance, extension information is created for use by everyone, including homeowners, lawn services and nurseries. You are invited to call the Extension Office with any questions you may have and advice you may seek.
Native Gardening
We have several resources for people interested in adding native plants to their homesteads. Below are several resources to help people get started in putting together a native garden habitat for our pollinators:
Planting Natives in Northeast Kansas - Website resource that is maintained by K-State Horticulture Agents.
Kansas Wildflowers - This site contains information and more than 9155 identification photos for 1042 species of forbs, grasses, sedges, rushes, trees, and other woody plants found growing in Kansas.
Be on the look out for information from Doniphan County Extension, Doniphan County Conservation District, and the Kansas Forest Service for news about plant sales, seeds, or events related to native gardening topics!

Selena Smith Certified Master Gardener